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Sea legs in the Arctic

Sea legs in the Arctic

Canada geese with cruise ship, Vancouver Island

In the 90’s I spent some time in the Bering Sea, as Chief Offiver of the Rainbow Warrior II during a campaign to stop overfishing in the ‘Doughnut Hole’. Later, I served as chief officer on threemast schooner Rembrandt van Rijn, taking passengers around Spitsbergen. During these trips, I started to appreciate the Arctic as a very special place on our planet. The harsh environment, unique ecosystems and frontier mentality all add to the wild side of the Arctic.
While coordinating a group of NGO’s at the IMO, a special Polar Code for shipping in Antarctica and the Arctic was developed, with rules on safety and pollution. Recently I conducted a survey among shipowners and tourist operators to find out their views on shipping in the Arctic.

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